You may never have heard of a company called Vice Media as although the name suggests that it reports on some of the more unusual things in life and indeed it does it does not often appear in the context of Irish casino news and neither would it now except for the fact that the founder and Chief Executive Shane Smith apparently likes to gamble and has been successful at it. Whether he plays at online casinos anywhere is unknown but this Canadian certainly enjoys Las Vegas and is in the Irish casino news for apparently winning $1 million at the Bellagio casino and to do that you do not bet in single dollars. It has not been reported in the casino news which casino games he was playing but it is suspected that the stakes were high. Another well known person in the news industry is Australian Kerry Packer and he is known also to like casinos and to have played over $100,000 per hand and in some circles it is reported that really high stakes players like this can affect the quarterly results of a casino. Money like this is not available at online casinos except for the casino slots jackpots and of course in America online casinos are not legal anyway but Mr Smith travels the world so has plenty of opportunity. In one of the more unusual stories surrounding this casino win are reports that he spent several hundred thousand dollars of those winnings on a lavish dinner for some of his employees and partners and even at upwards of $10,000 per bottle of wine there must have been some drinking going on. Online casino news cannot vouch for any of this as it has been found in other casino news reports but it does make for interesting reading.