Casino and online casino list for Ireland

Let it ride is an interesting online casino poker game

By mr-casino on 2013-11-08 17:58:44

It is generally accepted practice that when playing online casino card games such as Blackjack or poker if you think you have good cards you increase your stake but there is one game that has a new twist on the theme that is known as Let it Ride Poker or simply let it ride for short. This is basically a poker game in that the idea is to form a poker hand of 5 cards but that is also where it ceases to be a poker game as you are not playing against other players and even the dealer is not dealt a hand, it is simply a fact that if your hand is good enough you win. Let it ride is available in several online casinos and what makes it different is the fact that at the beginning of the game you place three equal bets which are your ante bet plus two others. Three cards are then dealt in the online casino and based on those three cards you need to decide whether your hand is going to be good enough to win. If you are not happy with the cards then you simply withdraw one of your original bets but in any event the hand continues so simply because you have withdrawn a bet does not mean you are out of the hand as it would be had you folded in a true poker game. If you like the look of the cards you simply let your bets ride which is clearly where the name of the casino game comes from. The fourth card is then dealt and the process is repeated but remember that your second decision is made completely independently of your first so even if you have withdrawn your third bet and you get a nice surprise on the fourth card you are still in the game and can let your second bet ride. Let it ride poker is an interesting casino game and well worth a try.