Casino and online casino list for Ireland

Online casino blackjack and pontoon are different games

By mr-casino on 2013-10-05 10:32:17

Online casinos are always trying to introduce new games but one of the stalwarts of the online casino market is blackjack which remains as popular as ever with Irish casino players. Blackjack is of course a very simple game to play and in fact many people will have played it at home but it was probably known as Pontoon and although online blackjack and online pontoon are both available at online casinos they are different games so be careful which you choose. One of the major differences between online pontoon and online blackjack is when your hand and the dealers hand are equal; in online blackjack the hand is a push and your stake is returned but in online pontoon you lose. There are often other interesting variations of blackjack at online casinos to keep things interesting such as blackjack switch whereby you actually play two hands and therefore two stakes but there is the chance to switch the top cards of each hand thus forming two different hands. This might give you two improved hands but more likely than not one will improve and the other will not. This is a clear advantage to the blackjack player so as you might imagine there are also things which are in the dealers favour to compensate. For example it becomes much easier for a player to get a blackjack so to compensate it will only pay out at even money compared to the more normal 3:2 odds. It will also be easier for the blackjack player to achieve 20 in two cards so now if the dealer draws cards and reaches 22 the hand is a push instead of being a simple bust and a player win. There are a number of other blackjack variations available at the online casinos but of course the traditional blackjack game is still available and probably still the best.